Are bodybuilding supplements safe?

Well, it all depends on what you consider a bodybuilding supplement. The range of bodybuilding supplements can go from a harmless vitamin pill to steroids or growth hormones. Today we will debunk what is safe and what is not, what you should consider taking, and what the risks of taking supplements are.

Is it safe to take supplements?

Yes, but if you take them in the appropriate dosage, if you dose your supplements very high, then even a harmless vitamin C can become a harmful agent to your health.

So how should you know how much the dosage should be? Well, you should always do your research and ask trained professionals, such as doctors, who know the exact amount of the specific supplement to not harm your health.

A big piece of advice on dosing supplements is to not listen to influencers who are bigger than you. Most of the time, the influencers you are watching are taking steroids and don’t paint the picture correctly.

Even if you take steroids and supplements the same way they do, you can wait to become like them because we all have different genetic dispositions.

With what supplements should I start?

This is a tough question, but my five cents on this question is that you should first go and do your blood work and see what you are lacking. That is an excellent way to indicate what your body lacks so you can supplement it.

But keep in mind that supplements are supplements and that food is king. You can’t gain any kind of muscle size or strength without eating food, so, as the word itself explains, a supplement’s job is to supplement your micronutrient needs.

Are steroids and peptides supplements?

No, even though many people consider peptides and steroids as supplements, they are not, and I repeat myself: steroids and peptides are not supplements. These substances are performance-enhancing drugs (PED), which can cause a lot of damage to the body in the short run and in the long run.

If you consider going for this route, my strong suggestion is that you don’t, and if you ignore my suggestion, I beg you to take steroids and peptides carefully with the proper dosages and with a medical professional to keep regular checks on your general health.

Do you need to take supplements to get big?

No, it is a big misconception that supplements make you big or give you any kind of massive edge over people who don’t take supplements and have a balanced diet.

As said before, you don’t really need supplements if you have a good diet. supplements do their job only if you are deficient in something. The body will react to anything extra that you put in it, or your body will indicate that you are taking too much of the specific supplement with a side effect.

For example, if you take too much vitamin C, your body will excrete it, and your urine will have a strong ammonia smell to it. Listen to your body’s needs and do as your body says, not as the influencers on the internet say. Stay safe!